Note: A Company Specific Player Course can only be taken through Player, and will run on the software it was created for (i.e. if it is a PowerPoint file, it will open in PowerPoint, a .DOC will open in Word etc.). PowerPoint files should be saved with the PowerPoint Show extension (.ppsx).
Create Course
- Navigate to Activities and select Courses
- Select the "+" button to create a new course
- In the Course format menu select Company-specific (Player) file
- Fill in ALL required fields.
- If uploading a file, select Select File choose the file
- If adding a URL, select URL File Delivery
- Optional fields:
- Link to existing parent course (Recommended to leave "Create a new course parent")
- Course Notes
- Course description
- Course competencies
- External ID
- Select ADD
Playing a Company Specific Course in Player
- Launch Player
- Select Download at the opening of the Administrative Settings pop-up to ensure all available content is updated
- Navigate to the Activities tab and expand the Company Specific category
- Select the desired course and add to the Scheduled Activities pane on the right
- Navigate to the Enrollment tab and enroll users in the course by selecting the users name to add to the Enrolled Users pane on the right.
- Navigate to the Play tab and select Play
- The course will play in the format it was uploaded as (i.e. PPTX, DOC)
- If the training computer does not have the software, the content will not be available to view
Trainer Tip: Validate your training sessions by linking a Test or Evaluation to your course.