Note: There are two ways to publish a Playbook Course, in Playbook and in Manager. A Playbook admin who does not have Silver access or higher will not have access to publish a course in Playbook, however they can create and save the course as a draft. The draft will then be available for administrators to publish in Playbook or Manager.
Publish a draft in Playbook
- From the home screen in Playbook, select Create & edit course
- Select Load draft course
- Choose the draft you would like to edit and publish
- Only one administrator can edit a Playbook course at a time. If the course is locked, it will notify the admin attempting to open it
- Only one administrator can edit a Playbook course at a time. If the course is locked, it will notify the admin attempting to open it
- Within the course, you can ADD MORE, when satisfied with the course click SAVE AND CLOSE
- Click publish
- Choose the worksites where the course should be available
- Select the category where the course will live
Publishing a draft in Manager
- Navigate to ACTIVITIES and selectCourses
- Select Load draft course
- Select the course you wish to view
- Only one administrator can edit a Playbook course at a time. If the course is locked, it will notify the admin attempting to open it
- Edit the course as necessary, then click SAVE AND CLOSE
- Choose the worksites where the course should be available
- Select the category where the course will live