Once your Alchemy course is completed in Creator, the next step is to export it, which turns the PowerPoint into a .sistem file. This is a self-contained file that is uploaded to Manager and used for training in Player, Playbook and eLearning.
Export the Course
- Click Export from the Creator Ribbon.
- Choose eLearning video option.
- Yes: File will contain both full-sized Player version and compressed eLearning version
- No: File only contains full-sized Player version
- Save the file.
- Filename will default to the PowerPoint name with the .sistem extension.
- Only use alphanumeric characters.
- No special characters or spaces.
- Can be saved locally or using a shared drive or cloud.
New: Be sure that the location/software that you are saving to is open and operational for the save to be performed successfully.
New: Be sure that the location/software that you are saving to is open and operational for the save to be performed successfully.
- The file will begin exporting.
- Warning pop-ups: Slide Transitions / Animation / Hyperlinks are not supported by Creator
- No: Allow Creator to continue exporting with still images and static text
- Yes: Stop publishing; remove the slide transitions / animations / hyperlinks manually
- Do not show slide warnings: if you have a number of these elements
- Note: Creator 4 supports Hyperlinks, which will be available to use in Player 8+, for more information, see Creator: Adding a Hyperlink to Your Course
Preview Course
- Once your course has been exported, a pop-up window will appear asking if you want to preview it, click YES.
- Click on the Menu button in the upper-right corner to navigate through the preview.
The next step is to add your course to Manager, for information on this step see Creator: Add Creator Course to Manager.