Alchemy Communications provides Huddle Guides that correspond to Alchemy courses and observations. Conducting huddle talks with the monthly communication topic in mind helps to reinforce important learning points and enable more open communication with your team. Below are the instructions for utilizing this tool.
Huddle Guide Review
- Large, spiral-bound book with 4 lessons related to Alchemy courses
- Each lesson has two pages:
- Employee view: Large image related to the lesson
- Administrative view: Lesson points and discussion questions related to the image
Conduct the Huddle Talk
- Grab the Huddle Guide that corresponds your location’s monthly communication topic
- Turn to the appropriate lesson, verifying that the large image is facing employees
- Talk through the various lesson points and discussion questions on the administrative page
- Identify any follow up or action items
- End the Huddle Talk
Best Practices
- Keep it brief – focus on just a few points at a time
- Conduct Huddle Talks frequently (weekly, even daily)
- Before shifts or during breaks
- Prior to a related scheduled task
- After an incident or near miss
- Use the provided Program Checklists to identify and follow the monthly communication topic schedule
- Incorporate examples that relate the topic to your facility and employees
- Encourage employee participation with questions
- Mix up the discussion by calling on different people