In Playbook
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Try to Sync with Manager. If that does not work, then check in Manager to make sure the Job Qualification is available for the worksite you are logged into.
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Check if your course is available in Playbook, if it's a Company Specific eLearning or Player course, a test or eval it is not supported by Playbook.
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You cannot observe an employee in Playbook, however you can click on the Observation in Playbook, and it will launch the Coach app. In Coach you can observe the employee. After submitting the Observation and syncing Coach, the Observation will appear as a completed part of the Job qualification.
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You might not have the admin access to publish courses. Save your course as a draft and contact your Alchemy administrator to publish it.
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It may be your worksite is not enabled for Playbook, please contact your Account Manager.
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In Manager
I'm trying to create a Job qualification, but cannot find the section in Manager, why?View answer
Your manager access does not supervise a Playbook worksite, does not allow access to Playbook (Copper) OR Playbook isn't enabled for the worksite. Contact your Alchemy Administrator.
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You are not supervising the worksites the Job Qualification is enabled for. Your supervisor must edit the Qualification plan to include your worksite.
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They can! It is up to the administrator who creates the job qualification to decide if it will expire or not. If it is selected for a job qualification to expire, it will last 6 months, 1 year, 2 years or 3 years before expiration. A renewal window will be chosen that gives the user a certain amount of time (30, 60 or 90 days) to retake the training before the expiration. If the expiration is not selected, the user will remain qualified indefinitely, unless the job qualification is revoked.
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Yes, once a user is qualified for a job task, that job qualification can be revoked in Manager. Likewise, a user can be provisionally qualified, or granted qualification without completing the necessary activities. This can only be completed by a Qualification Admin in Manager. To learn more, see Playbook: Manager > How to Revoke a Job Qualification or Playbook: How to Provisionally Qualify a User.
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No, we currently do not offer a playback speed feature for Playbook videos. However, you can speed up the video using video editing software. Please note that this change will not be adjustable during playback within the Playbook.