Note: There are two options for how Creator slides move forward in a training session: manual and automatic. This article discusses how to adjust the way the slides advance. When video or audio is added to the slide, it will advance automatically once the audio or video clip has completed.
These slides must be advanced manually:
- Point slides with no voice-over
- Remediation slides with no voice-over
These slides advance automatically:
- Video slides
- Game Show slides
- Point slides with voice over *
- Remediation slides with voice-over *
- Question slide components *
* These automatic items can be set to advance manually
Adjust Slides to Advance Manually
would like just a few of these slides to advance manually, use the Manual Advance option in Slide Properties. This will only affect that particular slide.
Adjust Entire Training to Advance Manually
entire deck to advance manually, select the Manual Advance option in Course Settings