When building your course in Creator, add Video Slides for introduction of the material, presentation of content, as well as review. Keep in mind, that when you add videos, you will want the sound to be included in the video. Once the video has ended, the slide will by default automatically advance. Alchemy encourages high resolution videos.
In this article:
Video Media Specifications
Insert Video Slide
Build the Video Slide
Video Media Specifications
File size for client media should not exceed 1024MB. As a best practice, videos should remain short and five minutes or less. The following video files are compatible with Creator:
- Windows Movie files (.wmv)
- .mp4 files allowed (mp4 files are smaller)
- minimum size recommendation: 800 x 600
- for best results in high definition, Alchemy recommends using 16:9 (widescreen) videos with 1080 pixel resolution
For more information on Creator best practices and tips, visit our article Standards, Tips and Tricks.
Insert Video slide
- From the Alchemy Creator tab, select Video Slide.
- Set Video Slide Options in Slide Properties panel.
- Alchemy and personal videos use the same template
- Videos play in widescreen
Build the Video slide
- Add desired video to the slide by importing an existing video file
- Option: Fill in Caption Text fields
- Adjust the time for the captions
- Option: add additional caption text if necessary
- Video audio will be audible
- Option: Save the video as a file outside of PowerPoint
- Select Preview to review completed slide