Note: Searches may be performed to find active and archived users. Once located, edits can be made to a user's information.
Note that a proper access level may be needed to edit users.
Searching for a User
- From your Manager website, navigate to the Users section
- Select User Listing
- For Platinum (Customer Admins) and Diamond Admins this will be under Users and Admins
- Using the All button, filter the list by criteria such as last name, first name, user ID, worksite, position title, or username. Input the information into the Search Box, and click the Search Icon. The list will refresh based on the information entered
- You may also filter the results by clicking the Filter button. This allows you to filter the user list based on criteria such as if the users are learners, administrators, archived, or in specific groups or worksites
Editing a User Record
- Once you have found the user you are searching for, click on the name to view information (remember that proper access level may be needed to edit the user)
- From the Properties tab, edit the user's information.
- Fill out all required fields
- Click the SAVE button to save your changes