Note: The Alchemy Premium Library: Environmental Responsibility has the great option of being edited to suit the needs of your worksite through importing and editing the courses. This will give you the ability to translate to different languages, include pictures of your worksite, and change the questions among other edits.
Editable content is available through a login-enabled download function. This step requires Creator Admin access, set by either your Diamond Admin or Alchemy.
Download the Environmental Responsibility Creator Course Templates Using Alchemy Creator:
- Ensure that the Creator Plug-in has been installed in your desired language
- Located at following link:
- From the left navigation pane, within the desired courses Facilitator Guide, select Customize Your Course
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and download the attached zip file
- Once installed, open the zip file and launch the PowerPoint file titled “Environmental_Responsibility_Template”
- From the home tab within PowerPoint, select the layout dropdown and choose from the pre-designed templates to customize each desired slide for your customized ER course
- This will allow you to create your own customized ER course in the same format as the existing ER Alchemy courses
- If you wish to incorporate company-specific details into an existing course, build your slides to your specifications and then insert them into the existing course by following the import steps below.
Import Alchemy Content into Creator
Reminder: Facilitator courses are unable to be customized.
- From the Alchemy Creator tab, select Import
- Select Download from the pop-up window
- Sign in to Alchemy Manager:
- Customer Name: If your Alchemy Manager website is, your Customer Name is “tastyfoods”
- Username and Password: Same as your Alchemy Manager website login
- Store login information: Select to save your login for future downloads
- Locate the Code tab & click to categorize by course code
- Verify that course codes beginning with UAM are at the top of your selection
- Note: There are 12 courses to choose from beginning with Environmental Responsibility: Introduction
- Choose a language and course
- Select Import
- If prompted, accept the End User License Agreement (EULA)
- The import may take a few minutes
- Save the file and edit to your specifications
Add/Edit Environmental Responsibility Slides and Questions
- Once the Alchemy content is downloaded, select the slide to be changed
- If custom company-specific slides have been designed externally, insert these slides into designated slide locations within the existing Alchemy Course
- Adjust the following as needed:
- Slide Images: Edit or delete and insert new
- Manual Advance and Full Screen options: Select and deselect the boxes as needed
- Text and Voice Over: Edit text and re-record voice over with Creator or other software
- Preview each slide to ensure correct formatting
Exporting the course
- Click Export from the Creator Ribbon
- Choose eLearning video option
- Yes: File will contain both full-sized Player version and compressed eLearning version
- No: File only contains full-sized Player version
- Save the file
- File name will default to the PowerPoint name with the .sistem extension
- Only alphanumeric characters and underscores
- No special characters or spaces
- The file will begin exporting
- Warning pop-ups: Slide Transitions / Animation
For steps on how to upload the course into Manager and download to Player, see the article Add Creator Course to Manager
Best Practice: Identify how your edits affect the rest of the course
Example: Editing the slide text usually leads to re-recording the audio to match; however this will leave you with one vocally mismatched slide in your course.