This glossary defines common terms that you might see as you're working in Alchemy or throughout our Help Center.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Alchemy Culture Kit
The Alchemy Culture Kit (formerly known as Alchemy Communications) program is structured reinforcement for your frontline workers. It’s designed to facilitate learning and encourage supervisor-employee interaction by delivering continuous learning through Digital signage content and Posters
Badge Readers
An Optional Scanner that clients can purchase to enroll their employees during a training session; speeds up the registration process. Utilizing of our badge readers will speed up your enrollment process up immensely by allowing you to scan employee badges on training days instead of manual finding and selecting employees for attendance. This is a great way to save time.
Base Station
Receives RF signals from remotes and is connected via the USB cord to a computer. It also is known as a Receiver
Batch Interface
Automated export of training data records from Alchemy Manager to a central source, such as a LMS or HRIS. This can also be referred to as a Batch Export.
A checkpoint is a specific element within a Job Qualification that may signify a specific milepost or action that has been achieved by the candidate. There can be any number of Checkpoints within a Job Qualification and each must be signed by a Playbook Admin along with completed activities for the Job Qualification to be considered completed.
An instance of training involving a course
Example: Forklift Safety taken on 01/31/15 at 9:02: AM
See Remotes
Company Specific Courses
Client-made training lesson
A subject-specific lesson
Example: Forklift Safety
Library of industry-specific Food Safety, Workplace Safety, Human Resources, Supervisor and Life Skills training course
Coach is a mobile app that provides you with an interactive way to observe and verify compliance by observing and coaching employees on best practices while they are actively performing their job duties. In other words, it enables supervisors to execute on-the-job observations – the data is then collected and is synced into your Manager site, where admins can run reports to validate training effectiveness and application. Making the entire training-learning-and coaching cycle completely automated and paperless for you!
Coach Library
Library of observations that can be used in the Coach app, including Alchemy created Observations and company-specific observations that you've created in Manager
PowerPoint plug-in that gives the ability to create courses in the Alchemy Style, including Questions, Remediations and the Game Shows
A transfer of information from Manager (new users, company specific course information) to the associated Player. Each download is accompanied by a pop-up screen that logs the progress of the download, and verifies that it was either ‘Successful’ or ‘Unsuccessful’. Requires internet connection. See Upload
Content delivered through the Manager website
HR Integration
By using HR Integration, you can effortlessly transfer employee data from your payroll vendor to Alchemy. This automated process ensures that your database stays up-to-date without requiring you to make numerous manual changes to Manager. Essentially, the employee data is exported from your payroll vendor and then uploaded or imported into Manager. You have the flexibility to choose the frequency of the import that best suits your requirements. While our system is compatible with most vendors, we may need to test it first to confirm.
Instructor-Led Training
An options through Manager that can be used to track training activities that occur outside Player. Example: A monthly meeting at an organization
Job Qualification
A Job Qualification is a list of activities a person must complete in order to be considered qualified to perform a specific job or position within the company. Manager admins, Silver and above, may create and edit Job Qualifications in Manager.
Kiosk Mode
Self-directed single user option; allows employees to login with their last name and user IDs with visibility to selected Playlists and Learning Plans. Option to set a Facilitator
Learner Mode
Learner Mode allows any employee the ability to install Playbook on their own device and take assigned training courses remotely
Learning Plan
A reporting tool used to set up a plan of study that users can follow to achieve training goals
Example: List of annually required course or list of course for new hires
Linked Test / Evaluation
A custom test or evaluation that is “linked” to a course. When a test is linked to a course; it will run directly after the class has been complete and the results will be tied to the class recorded
Central brain of the Intertek Alchemy platform; a secure cloud database that tracks, documents and reports training activities. Records can be accessed across multiple training locations with admin log-ins. Users can access eLearning through Manager with student logins
Playbook is a mobile app that allows an administrator to develop training courses and job qualifications to qualify which employees are able to perform specific positions in your facility.
Playbook Course
A course built with the Content Builder in Playbook app or in Manager. Playbook courses may contain video, pictures, text, questions, and PDF documents.
Training content and delivery software housed on client computers. Delivers training two ways: via interactive, group-based training with remote controls and via single user login with Kiosk Mode
Qualification Admin
A Qualification Admin may Provisionally Qualify a candidate for a specific Job Qualification or is likewise able to Revoke a completed Qualification for cause. Because of the nature of this admin position, it is recommended that each company or worksite only have a limited number of Qualification Admins.
See Base Station
Remote controls assigned to users during the enrollment process in a Player group-based training session. Remotes are used to answer questions that appear throughout the training session.
Alchemy remote controls use radio frequency to transmit answers to the base station connected to the training computer. Line of sight to the base station is not required with these remotes.
Sharable Content Object Reference Model; a collection of standards and specification for eLearning. The Manager website is SCORM compliant
Stand-Alone Test / Evaluation
Custom test or evaluation that is not linked to a course
User’s state of completion towards a course. There are three statuses listed in the Manager Reports
- Complete: User has demonstrated the required competency
- In Progress: User has not demonstrated the required competency
- Not Attempted: User has not attempted this course
A transfer of data (training records, content) between an Alchemy component (Coach, Playbook) and a client's assigned Manager website. This combines the data upload and download.
A transfer of information (training records, new users) from Player to the associated Manager. Each upload is accompanied by a pop-up screen that logs the progress of the upload and either verifies that it was ‘Successful’ or ‘Unsuccessful’. Requires internet connection. See Download
Usually the city where the plant is located, the Worksite is tagged in the employee information field and can be used as an identifier for reporting
XML File
A small but powerful file that directs the Player setting and Manager connection to that Player