Note: This article may not cover all of your options, or it may cover more options than you have available.
Manager is the central brain of the Intertek Alchemy platform.
This article gives a high-level overview of the website, how to navigate it and where to go for certain actions. To learn more about a specific part of the website, follow the links provided.In this article:
Home Page
Right Navigation
Home Page
Upon login, the admin will be directed to the Home Page side of Manager. From the Home Page, you have quick access to some of the popular locations in Alchemy Manager: Users, Learning plans, and Reporting. Another feature is the Training at a glance dashboard, where you can view charts showing how worksites are progressing on specific activities or Learning Plans.
Right Navigation
From the top right-hand corner, you can click on your name to see the options of the right navigation menu.
Navigate to USERS to manage your workforce.
Navigate to Activities to build and manage content and assignments.
This button will take you back to the Home page.