Tests are a set of graded questions that can be linked to Company Specific (Player) Files and Company Specific (eLearning) courses. They are a great way to validate these types of company specific training. When a test is linked to a course, the test will automatically launch after the course finishes. The course will be marked as “Complete” once the learner passes the test.
How to Link a Test
- Navigate to Activities and select Courses
- Click on the Course that will be linked with a test
- Note: Tests can only be linked to Company Specific (Player) File or Company Specific (eLearning) courses. For information on how to add a new course, see article Adding a Company Specific Course (Player) or Adding Company Specific eLearning Courses. The course must be added to your Course Library before linking a test.
- Click on Related Courses at the top of your course Details page
- Click Tests
- At the bottom of the Tests tab, you can either:
- Option 1: Choose an existing Test and click Copy Test
- Option 2: Click Create New Test
- Under your Draft Tests, Click Edit to edit your test
For more information about creating tests, see this article Create a Stand-Alone Test
- Click Publish to publish the test in your Related Courses
- Note: Tests can be published as Stand-Alone Tests. Tests linked to a Course must be Published on the Test tab of the course
In the title of your course in Player or eLearning, you will see this icon to indicate a test: