Now that you know the basics of how to set up a group training, you are ready to learn how to make changes during training and how to adjust settings to meet your training needs.
You can watch our Alchemy Essentials - Player webinar to learn about facilitating group training, and use the resources below.
Mid-training Need to Know:
- Every person is required to anser each question in training, and you can track who has answered and who has not answered yet. Read this article on Viewing Unanswered:
- Viewing Unanswered for Player 8
- Sometimes you need to make changes during training. Watch a short video about managing common mid-session changes:
- Manage Mid-Session Changes in Player for Player 8
- If a user has an issue with a remote during training, read this article about how to Switch out a remote:
- Switch Out a Remote for Player 8
- What are common issues with remotes? Read this article to get tips on how to troubleshoot the most common problems:
- Remote and RF Troubleshooting for Player 8
Useful Settings
- Get familiar with some of the settings for your trainings by reading about your Presentation Options:
- Presentation Options for Player 8
- What settings does Alchemy recommend? Read this article to find out:
- Recommended Presentation Settings for Player 8
- You can also turn on captions and/or subtitles for your training. Captions are text at the bottom of the screen for the course audio - these are useful when learners have trouble hearing a course and would prefer to read that content. Subtitles are text in another language - (for example: your course audio could be in English, while subtitles are shown in Spanish).
- Watch this video on How to Use Captions and Subtitles in Player for Player 8
- Read this article about Video Captions for Player 8
Tips for training multiple groups
A lot of people might need to complete required training. That training can be assigned through Learning Plans, which your Alchemy Administrators will create, or your administrators might tell you what trainings need to be completed. As a facilitator, you could facilitate the same training activities multiple times for different groups of people - OR you could set up a large group training.
- If you are doing a large group training session, read this article for Tips for Large Sessions
- If you are using Learning Plans, you can learn more about how your administrators set up Learning Plans to show in Player - and how to use them to select your training activities by reading:
- Download Learning Plan Playlists in Player for Player 8
- If you are setting up the same trainings at different times, you can use Learning Plans or Playlists to help you quickly select your training activities. All you have to do is click the Playlist or Learning Plan, and all of your training will be selected in the correct order!
- Learn how to create and Manage Playlists by reading Manage a Playlist for Player 8
Continue to the Advanced Track to learn about more Player features.