Remember to check your Access Levels - this article is intended for those with at least Gold Administrator Access.
Managing Users
An accurate user listing is vital to managing a successful training program. Some clients have purchased "HRI", which integrates your HR database with Manager and will automatically add and archive employees. Other clients will have to manage their user list manually. These articles and videos will go over the manual process of managing users and organizing them into groups.
*If your company is interested in HRI, please contact your Alchemy Account Manager
Add New Hires
- Learn how to Add a New User in Manager
- Read Adding Users
- New users might also be added in Player with a temporary profile so that they can complete training. Administrators will need to manage and potentially validate those temporary profiles.
Archive inactive employees
Whenever an employee leaves or is no longer an active user, administrators should archive that user. Training records are still accessible for all archived users, and if an employee returns to being an active user, their archived profile can be "unarchived" and return to the list of active users.
- Read Archiving Users
Organize Users into Groups
Groups are useful for assigning training and reporting. Gold admins can also create "System Groups", which are managed manually.
- Watch Create Groups in Manager
- Read Creating Groups in Manager
- Pro Tip: only Group Admins can run reports on that group, assign them training, or manage that group, so ensure that the appropriate admins have access to that group. Additionally, for groups that are connected to Learning Plans, do not delete that group. This is discussed in greater detail in our Advanced User Management article.
For customers with HRI, your worksite may have Corporate Groups. These are fed to your Manager site automatically, and cannot be edited by users. For assistance about your unique corporate groups, contact your Alchemy Account Manager.