Note: If the remotes have started to slow down or have difficulties during registration they may need to be reset. Contact Support for additional troubleshooting prior to performing a Mass Reset.
Mass Remote Reset
If Player is already open, close Player and ensure that the base station is plugged in and active
- Launch Player
- Select Input Devices from the Main tab
- Select Add/Remove under RF Remote Settings
- Activate all of the affected remotes by pressing the registration button. The remotes will stay active for up to 45 minutes.
- Once remotes are active, select Reset and the remotes will reset automatically
Individual Remote Reset
If only a single remote is having difficulties, you can reset an individual remote. If you have difficulties with a single remote mid-session, switch it out. Do not reset a remote mid-session without first contacting Alchemy Support. Do not reset remotes in the middle of training session without contacting Alchemy Support for assistance. Resetting a remote mid-session will erase the registered student and their answers.
- Ensure that the class session is paused or has ended
- Hold the 1 and 5 buttons down at the same time for five (5) seconds
- Re-register the user if needed for the next course in the session